Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Animation~~ <3 <3

Today I woke up quite early, which is 9a.m.(it's very LATE for others). Then I continue to watch the anime I watched half-way, the "Gate Keepers", "ゲートキーパーズ "... I think it's quite an old anime cause the story involves in Tokyo 1969, but the story is interesting because each of the character had different special ability called "gate" which summons energy from other dimension to fight off invaders(which is their main enemy)... I haven't finished this anime, so don't ask me how does the story goes~~


  1. wow! anime!but....i never watch this before...>.<
    why call gate? then got how many types of gate? what is the power of gate?

  2. I said in my blog already ma... I haven't finish la~ and why are they calling "gate", I also don't know... Ask the author, don't ask me... XD


Painful Memories~

Memories, Sharp as Daggers,
Pierce into the Flesh of Today.
Suicide of Love took away all that matters,
And buried the remains in an
Unmarked Grave in Your Heart...
