Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I've been sleeping for 1 whole day~ o.o I feel lazy again, ahhhhhh what's wrong with me?? I slept till evening until my dad calls me to go play badminton with him cause he said that no people were playing... So, I decided to exercise after stopping for so long...

Surprisingly, I had a win streak! 4 wins 0 loses! Kinda surprised cause I've never touch my racket for so long and I won 4 times in a row! Must be the power of love~ :P and while I was playing, I see Pac-Man... Seriously wtf....

Sleep early~~ It's not like forcing you, but please do so for your own good~ >_< sorry if I upset you~ To tell if someone is angry/mad, it's easy, he/she will not use any emoticons~

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Painful Memories~

Memories, Sharp as Daggers,
Pierce into the Flesh of Today.
Suicide of Love took away all that matters,
And buried the remains in an
Unmarked Grave in Your Heart...
