Monday, January 17, 2011

I think I've found myself a target to achieve~

Today in the middle of my sleep, I was thinking that I really had no intention of studying at all... But I can't ignore this study cause I don't even know I wanted to do... And guess what, suddenly I feel like I wanna be a story writer or a writer, at least... I wanna write stuffs(well maybe I'm not good), what inspired me was, there's so many great stories out there, so why can't I write 1 too?

I got excited while having that thought and I almost can't sleep! When I heard my mom was awake and I can't wait to tell her, but then she ruined my mood and everything... She said this might just be your short interest, like your guitar(yeah that's true)... But I didn't even try and she already putting rocks on my head... I'm gonna tell my dad how I felt about studying and writing stuffs...

Yes it maybe true that this is just a short interest just like others, but I'm willing to learn new things(except for studying, man this sucks!)... and I also have another target that is to learn how to earn money ONLINE!(I don't wanna sit in front of the PC, browsing facebook and rot!)

1 comment:

Painful Memories~

Memories, Sharp as Daggers,
Pierce into the Flesh of Today.
Suicide of Love took away all that matters,
And buried the remains in an
Unmarked Grave in Your Heart...
