Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It's been 2 month since my last post~ Well, I'm not that up to date to update my stuffs~ Because I'm just lazy, lol~ Nothing really special going on during the past 2 months, except for the Comic Fiesta at Times Square and Christmas at my grandmother's house~ :D

Well then, I'll just roughly talk about the Comic Fiesta I've been to~ I'm suppose to go there for 2 days, but somebody just changed his mind and say don't want, which leave me no choice but to stay back at home... He said that his parents don't allow, but man... If wanna tell a lie, put in more effort, not just bullshit in some other people's face... Fine then, I should've known...

I'm kinda regret I didn't go on Saturday, cause some of my friends went on Saturday... But then just Sunday is fine too... We arrived at KL around 10am, and got lost for a little bit~ xD but we manage to reach Times Square around 10.30am, and thank god we didn't took very long time to find the venue for Comic Fiesta~ =)

In there, there's too many cosplayers to see(and I recognize most of them!) and my(not mine) crappy camera, I missed out a lot of NICE cosplayers! T_T My mood for taking photos have been killed by the slow motion camera~ Oh well, inside the Mahathan Hall, they give away free gifts and stuffs, so I guess the 15 bucks entrance fee was worth it~ They throw free posters and even throw free nandroids(small figurines, which is VERY EXPENSIVE!), too bad those people in front never eat any rice, no energy to throw... lol~
(1 of my favorite) =D

Painful Memories~

Memories, Sharp as Daggers,
Pierce into the Flesh of Today.
Suicide of Love took away all that matters,
And buried the remains in an
Unmarked Grave in Your Heart...
